Well, I have survived my first week after my operation. It is very frustrating as I want to go, go, go but my leg and my Humans are saying "no, no, no". I have managed to escape the downstairs a couple of times and checked out upstairs - still there!!
I had a really nice brush this morning along with Toby & Jasper. What a lot of hair came out of us. I decided that I fancied a taste of this which Mum wasn't very pleased about.
Last night we boys had an exciting evening. Our Humans went out for the evening to see some film called The Dark Knight which they thoroughly enjoyed. They left us downstairs but me out of my cage. We partied and I managed to chew two rush coasters which Mum & Dad were not too chuffed about when they came home.
Not off to the vets until nest Monday to have my stitches removed - they are still irritating me but I am trying to resist the desire to chew them out. My courage is gaining and I am enjoying the various treats that my Humans give me and my brothers and am still trying to get use to the no threat or anger being directed at me. I still get very frightened if I get cornered irrelevant of who this is and as soon as anyone is carrying anything, I think that I am going to get hit. Hopefully this will carry on improving
Will update when I have more news.
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