After a very restful night with me only frightening myself with my snoring twice during the night, we got up early and went for a walk, had a good breakfast and pootled round the new Kingdom.
It was Uncle Adrian's birthday today so we are going out for lunch for a BBQ and a gossip. An opportunity for me to meet some new people.
Happy Birthday Uncle Adrian
Later on we all went out in the car. Now I love the car, but am not keen on jumping in or out. However, after Mum had lifted me in and we went to this super park, Toby & Jasper encouraged me out telling me what fun we would have if I got out and went round the park with them. I believed them and they were absolutely correct.
Mum & Day had bought me a long training lead and I wore that and it meant that I could run off with my brothers but still remain safe, especially whilst I am so skittish and also learning my new name.
In the afternoon we went to a friend's house Henry. He is a handsome Springer Spaniel and welcomed me into his home. Overall I coped very well but at one stage the neighbour's Cocker Spaniel Charlie and his Humans cornered me behind my Mum and I felt very frightened and had to give a bit of a warning which they listened to and everything was OK. Henry's Mum Mandy was lovely and said I had a beautiful face - what immaculate taste she has!!
I was absolutely exhausted when I got home - a lot of nervous energy expended I think.
Had a great day and I think that these Humans and my animal friends are going to be good to me and I am going to enjoy living here.